Pandemic reflections in higher education: theoretical review of work stress in the teaching role




pandemic, physical and mental health, teaching stressors, virtual education, burnout


The pandemic evidenced the low level of quality of the educational system in Peru and the effects on mental and physical health, related to stress on teachers within the context of virtual higher education. The objective of this research was to analyze the main theoretical contributions of work stress in teachers in the context of a pandemic. For the analysis, the qualitative method and documentary-type design were used, collecting and reviewing scientific sources related to the subject within the period that the confinement lasted. This made it possible to understand that the main theoretical contributions were related to work stress within distance education, internal and external factors that promote stress, burnout syndrome and techno-stress, factors for which teachers were not prepared. Faced with this situation, the lack of connectivity and the implementation of state-of-the-art digital equipment were added. It was then possible to conclude the importance of the integral well-being of the teacher and the balance of the internal and external factors that determine stress, to ensure their adequate work performance within the context of the virtuality that the pandemic brought.


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How to Cite

Manzur-Vera, G., Rodriguez, C., Vargas, M., & Tapia, K. (2022). Pandemic reflections in higher education: theoretical review of work stress in the teaching role. Technological Innovations Journal, 1(3), 60-75.

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